2025 Florence Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics


DISEI, the Department of Economics and Management, and BEELab+, the Behavioural and Experimental Economics Lab of the University of Florence, are pleased to announce the 7th Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Economics which will be held on May 8-10, 2025 at the University of Florence.

Call for papers

We invite submissions of papers from researchers across all areas of behavioural and experimental economics with a focus on addressing pressing societal challenges of our time, such as agents and firms behaviour in digital markets, climate change and environmental sustainability, technological change, social and economic inequality, social changes and the future of work, political polarization, global cooperation and peacebuilding.

Click here to download the detailed Call for Papers

Keynote speakers

Urs Fischbacher, University of Konstanz (Germany)


Astrid Hopfensitz, EMLyon Business School (France)


Eva Ranehill, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)


Tim Salmon, Southern Methodist University (USA)

Scientific Committee

Giulia Andrighetto - National Research Council (Italy)
Loukas Balafoutas – University of Exeter (UK)
Marco Casari – Alma Mater, University of Bologna (Italy)
Anita Gantner – University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Nikolaos Georgantzis – Burgundy School of Business (France)
Caterina Giannetti – University of Pisa (Italy)
Andrea Guido – Paris School of Business (France)
Essi Kujansuu – University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Humberto Llavador – Pompeu Fabra University (Spain)
Valeria Maggian – Ca' Foscari, University of Venice (Italy)
Regine Oexl – University of Insubria (Italy)
Laura Razzolini – University of Alabama (USA)
Heiner Schumacher – University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Vincenzo Valori – University of Florence (Italy)


Domenico Colucci
Tiziano Distefano
Regine Oexl
Maria Grazia Pazienza
Lina Rinaldi
Vincenzo Valori
Eugenio Vicario


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